Friday, January 6, 2012

Cumin and Garlic Naan

2 tsps dry yeast, dissolved in a 1/4 cup lukewarm water
2 cups water (more or less depending the humidity and climate)
5 1/2 cups high gluten flour (bread flour)
1 Tbp salt
good quality vegetable or (not extra virgin) olive oil
3 cloves of fresh garlic grated finely
¼ cup of whole cumin seeds, toasted in dry pan
some coarse salt

  1. Mix the yeast water, flour, 1 Tbp salt and enough water, knead until the dough smooth and elastic. Rise the dough in refrigerator overnight.
  2. Bring the dough to room temperature. Place baking stone or a heavy baking sheet in oven and pre-heat the oven to 500F.
  3. Flour your work surface. Divide the dough into 8 pieces, rolling each one into a ball. Place on the flour, cover with a plastic bag (I use a trash bag) and let rest for 20-30 minutes. 
  4. Working one at a time, lightly flatten the dough by stretching it from the center until it is about 5 inches across. Lay the disks on a floured peel or the back of baking sheet for me.
  5. Brush each of the disks with a little bit of good quality oil.
  6. Wet your fingers with water and then press your fingertips into the dough (but leave a 1.5 inch border) to make deep indentations and further thin out the center area. 
  7. Toss the garlic and cumin together and then sprinkle a little on each disk.
  8. Slide the bread onto the hot baking stone and bake for 6 - 8 mins or until the top turns slightly golden.

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